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Headache Diffuser Blend


Our Headache  blend is a "nervine" which is a plant remedy to calm the nervous system and clear the mind.  The essential oils Peppermint, Lavender and Eucalyptus increase circulation and decreases inflammation while cooling the area.

Size: 15 ml

  • Peppermint - analgesic, mental fatigue, dizziness, GI complaints, nausea, dizziness, fainting, anxiety,  sinusitis, toothache,  mental fatigue, depression, PTSD
  • Lavender - analgesic, anti-anxiety,  treats mood disturbance, nervous tension, balance emotions, irritability, soothes nervous system, anxiety, muscle spasms, restlessness, improves sleep, improves memory, nervous GI symptoms, 
  • Eucalyptus - analgesic, migraine, lack of concentration, clears the mind

Relieve your tension headache with our natural remedy so you can take the edge off and hopefully not have to take the ibuprofen that has side effects and is toxic to your liver.

Diffuser: Add 15-20 drops to a diffuser, scent ball or car diffuser to disperse the oils throughout the home, office or car. Apply with a carrier to temples, behind hairline, pressure points (inner wrist, soles of feet, behind ears) and inhale. Facial Steam: Add 15-20 drops to a bowl of steaming water; inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes. Massage: Add 1 drop to 2 tsp of carrier oil for local application.

Grapeseed, Vitamin E, Peppermint, Lavender and Eucalyptus

essential oils for migraine headaches


To soothe the mind, apply with a carrier to temples, behind hairline, pressure points (inner wrist, soles of feet, behind ears) and inhale.

Facial Steam: Add 15-20 drops to a bowl of steaming water; inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes.

Diffuser: Add 15-20 drops to a diffuser.

Massage: Add 1 drop to 2 tsp of carrier oil for local application.


Eucalyptus Essential Oil for Controlling Headaches


Lavendula officinalis

Calming,pain, balances emotions, and soothes the nervous system

Eucalyptus Essential Oil for Respiratory Issues


Eucalyptus globulus

Breathe, respiratory, cough, disinfectant.

Peppermint Essential Oil for Migraine Headaches


Mentha x piperita

Energizing, decreases mental fatigue, nervous tension, and stress

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