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Headache Pulse Point Essential Oil Roll-On


 Our headache blend made with Peppermint, Lavender and Eucalyptus increases blood flow and circulation while providing relief and clarity. Applying the plant medicine on the temples, pressure points and crown chakra throughout the day is recommended. 

Size: 10 ml

  • Peppermint - analgesic, mental fatigue, dizziness, GI complaints, nausea, dizziness, fainting, anxiety,  sinusitis, toothache,  mental fatigue, depression, PTSD
  • Lavender - analgesic, anti-anxiety,  treats mood disturbance, nervous tension, balance emotions, irritability, soothes nervous system, anxiety, muscle spasms, restlessness, improves sleep, improves memory, nervous GI symptoms, 
  • Eucalyptus - analgesic, migraine, lack of concentration, clears the mind

Relieve your tension headache with our natural remedy so you can take the edge off and hopefully not have to take the ibuprofen that has side effects and is toxic to your liver.

Apply to head, temples, feet & pressure points (inner wrist, behind ears, & neck) when exhibiting head or neck pain.

Grapeseed, Vitamin E, Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus

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