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Sleep Pulse Point Essential Oil roll-on


A herbal aroma with essential oils Lavender, Mandarin and Sweet Marjoram are alchemized to calm the mind and body and aid in sleep disturbances.  These essential oils are blended to transform serenity, tranquility and elevate stillness in the mind, body & spirit.

Size: 10 ml

    • Lavender -  soothes the nervous system and improves sleep.
    • Mandarin-  promotes a sedative-like state that eases stress related conditions. 
    • Grapeseed Oil - smoothes the skin and boosts the immune system
    • Our Sleep essential oil roll-on blend is created to encourage feelings of rest and ease.
    • This calming blend works on all levels of your mind, body & soul.
    • The Sleep blend promotes rest, calmness & peace.

    Apply to the temples, behind hairline, pressure points (inner wrist, soles of feet, behind ears) and inhale.

    Grapeseed Oil, Vitamin E, Lavender, Mandarin, Sweet Marjoram.

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