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Feel The Magic of Summer Solstice with Luxxe Honor

Summer Solstice is the time when in the Northern Hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point. Summer Solstice reminds us to turn inward and find deep nourishment, patience and warmth,  this is exactly what the sun does for us as it shines throughout the summer. 
Summer Solstice brings a great opportunity to interrupt old patterns and habits that keep us stuck.  Planting seeds of intention that you would like to come to fruition is a great way to enjoy the summer months. 
Here are a few fun ways you can celebrate the summer solstice.
1.  Plant some beautiful flowers or Herbs, and as you're placing the seeds in the
dirt, recite your intention and watch as your flowers grow into majestic fruition. 
2.  Go on a mindful walk in nature and listen to the wisdom of the trees. 
3.  Swim in the healing waters of a swimming pool, lake or river.
4.  Grab a canvas and paint a something that represents the warmth of the sun.
5.  Take time to sun bathe and receive the vitamin D that we crave. 
6.  Honoring the light within and the light within others - embrace the love with our Mood Scent Love Roll-on
love and light,
 Jen & Gina

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