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Finding Hidden Beauty with Jen and Gina

We hope this letter finds you well.  We have been practicing, finding hidden beauty, in everyday moments..... even when we are going through hard times, as we all do.  This type of practice helps take off the pressure, stress, worry and fear. We love sharing with you in this way simply, organically what arises in our hearts.  

Jen & Gina

The other day I worked a very long day and had some fatigue, one of my kids was going through a hard time. When I arrived home, I reminded myself to see the hidden beauty that is always available.   I noticed a bowl of beautiful lemons on my island in the kitchen.  I could also smell the lavender I had planted and immediately my mood lifted. 

The smell of nectarines, the green grass swaying in the wind, the love that permeates my house from my children, the smiles I receive from others on my walks in nature, the squirrels playing scampering about. The wind that touches my hair, the hug from a friend, a kind word, the warm water as I wash the dishes. The beauty of a cold watermelon and summer nights.

- Gina 

Stress has opened me up to the beautiful miracles of life.  My family motivates me to push through the challenges of my business. There have been some hiccups along the way, building LH, but my family is always encouraging me to strive on. It is my purpose on this earth to continue this journey. The challenges have made me a stronger woman, business owner and role model to my children. They have seen the tears, fatigue, and grit but it has been all worth it. The transition of people in the business, covid and being closed, stress of building a new product line, yada, yada, yada.... has been challenging but I would not take away one thing. It taught me the power that I have and awakened me up to the spirit who moves through me. 

We all have stress..... I have learned through. my practice to find beauty in the small miracles of life. There are so many beautiful lessons that appear out of challenging situations. I have learned to ground myself, breathe and allow the beautiful opportunities to present themselves instead of me forcing it. Life is beautiful.....the trees fluttering in the wind, the smell of my hydrangea garden and laughter with my children, all 6, and 4 grandchildren! We love to all get together and dance, sing, and cook. I am learning to appreciate my beautiful life and have learned beautiful lessons throughout my experiences. Life is beautiful and so are you!

- Jen

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